55 gallon trommelklemme
Produktbeskrivelse 1.Applikationer -Forklift Attachment Trum Clamp er egnede til spænding af 1-4 stk. Af 55 gallon standard tromler -Forklift Attachment Trum Clamp bruges uanset hvor produktet opbevares i trommer, herunder olie-, kemiske og fødevareforarbejdningsindustrier. -Forklift-vedhæftning ...
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684 kg 55Gallon / 210Liter gaffeltrucks fastgørelse Olietrommel Positioner
684kg 55Gallon/210Liter Forklift Attachment Oil Drum Positioner_Model Nr.: CN-WDG20 *Heavy duty steel construction. Lift, transports and deposits drums without leaving the driving position. *Easily and quickly lift drums without hydraulic or electric connections. *Firm pressure is automatically applied by acion ...
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Fabrikspris Brugerdefineret 55 gallon Oil Trum Lifter gaffeltruck
Application Designed for standard 205 litre steel drums, the fully automatic clamping action enables safe and precise placement of drums without the operator having to leave the Drivers seat. The drum is gripped by pushing the arms against the drum ...
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DH1 gaffeltrucktromler til gaffeltrucksophæng
Used with forklift to move or stack oil drums with high efficiency, saving storing space. Safe clamping of all steel, fibre and plastic drums. Extra wide beak Superior clamping force, solid construction and adjustable distance Secured to forklift by safety ...
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Typen BGN-1 55 gallon gaffeltruckhåndtering af rustfrit stål
Anvendelse Tromlehåndtering er let. Et godt synsfelt gør det muligt for operatøren konstant at observere tromlen, der håndteres. Operatøren forlader ikke førersædet. Det unikke Grab Beak-design giver en høj klemkraft, selv når ...
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